Learn More about LETS

More About LETS

We are essentially a community support network with the facility to acknowledge help given or goods received using our own community currency, which is called Brights. The key word in Local Exchange Trading Schemes is "mutuality", ie members share the power to issue interest-free credit, rather than a banking system holding the keys, and as we have seen in recent history, using their power to reward individuals to an extent that is not only unjust but dangerous for the whole economy.

All members have an account in the system, and the sum-total of all accounts is zero, which includes central accounts, which are set up for various purposes. A member wishing to transfer credits from their own account to acknowledge another member for something they have received may do so from their own account (subject to any credit limits put in place by the system administrators to avoid imbalances). In the old paper-based systems, this had to be done through a central accountant, but now we have a web-based system, each member can transact online, but can still use cheques and vouchers if you prefer.

The original founders of LETS thought that running a LETS was easy - after all, it's such a good idea that everyone will want to join in! The reality is that a lot of support is needed, partly because the basic concepts are so radical, and also because individuals lack confidence and may need support with digital access. Social meetings to enable members to meet up are very helpful, as well as individual support to help some members find what they need in the system, so running a LETS is a team effort. If you feel you could help the Core Group, don't be shy - Contact Us!

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